- Doctorate in Odontology. Mark: Summa “CUM LAUDE”. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Degree in Odontology. Universidad Europea de Madrid.
- Master’s degree in Advanced Oral Implantology. Universidad Europea de Madrid.
- New York College of Dentistry continuing dental education programs. “Current Concepts in American Dentistry Surgical Implantology”. New York, U.S.A. (2004, 2005, 2006).
- Associate lecturer of DENTAL OCCLUSION AND TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINTS (ArticulaciónTemporomandibular, ATM).(2002-2011). Universidad Europea de Madrid.
- Associate lecturer of the Master’s degree in Advanced Oral Implantology. (2004 to date). Universidad Europea de Madrid.
- Guest lecturer at various universities: Universidad Pública de Valencia, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Alfonso X, Universidad Católica de Valencia.
- Head of Dental Surgery and Implantology. Hospital “Los Madroños”. (2008-2011). Madrid.
- Member of the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO).
- Full Member of the Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal, SECIB (Spanish Association of Oral Surgery).
- Full Member of the Sociedad Española de Prótesis Estomatológica y Estética, SEPES (Spanish Association of Dental Prostheses and Aesthetic Dentistry).
- Member of the Sociedad Española de Implantes, SEI (Spanish Implants Association).
- Doctorate in Odontology. Mark: Summa “CUM LAUDE”. Universidad de Granada
- Degree in Odontology. Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio.
- Master’s degree in Advanced Orthodontics.Universidad Europea de Madrid.
- Associate lecturer of Adults and Occlusion at the Universidad Europea de Madrid.
- Associate lecturer of Dental Occlusion and Temporomandibular Joints. Universidad Europea de Madrid.
- GESTOMA Clinical Orthodontics Course.
- Ongoing training in Aesthetic Dentistry: “Conservativa diretta nei settori anteriori” Dr. Lorenzo Vanini- “Free-Hand Bonding in the Smile Frame” Dr Dietschi
- Dr. Certificate in Invisalign.
- Dr. Certificate in the Incognito System of Lingual Orthodontics.
- Dr. Certificate in the Harmony System of Lingual Orthodontics.
- Master’s degree in Implants and Implant-Supported Prostheses. Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio.
- Specialist in orthodontics for children and adults
- Specialist in Aesthetic Dentistry: Smile Design
- Member of the Sociedad Española De Ortodoncia, SEDO (Spanish Orthodontics Society)